
Internal Regulations

1. Mission and Objectives
  • The purpose of Dogrula.org is to encourage the dissemination of accurate information by conducting fact-checking activities, to detect and correct false or misleading claims, and to contribute to the society in making informed decisions.
  • Dogrula.org conducts each analysis according to identical standards and produces independent content. Analyses do not advocate for any political side or take a stance on political issues.
  • Dogrula.org may perform the following activities: a) Checking the accuracy of the news and correcting false or misleading information. b) To encourage the dissemination of correct information by organizing training programs. d) To conduct research and prepare texts regarding information accuracy. e) To raise awareness in society about accuracy and reliability.
2. Commitment to the Principle of Transparency of Sources
  • Dogrula.org aims to transparently share the sources and data used in analyses. Followers can access these sources when they want to retrace the research process or verify the sources.
  • The identities of sources are disclosed as much as possible, except in situations where it may pose a security risk. Dogrula.org takes care to provide detailed information without jeopardizing the safety of sources.
3. Commitment to the Principle of Transparency of Financial and Organizational Structure
  • Dogrula.org is transparent about its financial resources and operates with funds accepted independently of organizations. The financial resources and corporate structure of Dogrula.org are publicly disclosed.
  • The professional backgrounds of important figures and employees of Dogrula.org, the organizational structure of the institution and communication channels are open to the public.
4. Commitment to the Principle of Methodological Transparency
  • Dogrula.org explains the analysis process and methods in detail. The selection and investigation of claims, the writing, editing, publication, and correction stages of analyses are carried out in accordance with the transparency principle.
  • Dogrula.org encourages its readers to contact them for follow-up and verification of claims. It provides clear and understandable information about why and how analyzes are performed.
5. Commitment to the Principle of Clear and Reliable Corrections of Analyses
  • Dogrula.org publishes its correction policy in advance and commits to correcting errors that arise in its analyses. Corrections are made in accordance with the principles of transparency and reliability.
  • Dogrula.org provides its followers with easy access to corrected versions and guarantees that corrections are published openly.
6. Objection Process
  • Dogrula.org encourages followers to provide feedback on inaccuracies or objections. A process is established to evaluate objections and objections are examined meticulously.
  • Dogrula.org manages the evaluation and correction process of objections in a transparent manner and provides feedback to objectors.
7. Administrative Structure
  • Hakan Çelik is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Digital Society Research Association (DTA). Dogrula.org organization is also officially affiliated with the association. The only activity and project of the DTA Association as of 2023 is Dogrula.org.
  • Hakan Çelik is the sole authority for financial management and procurement decisions within the scope of the Dogrula.org project.
  • The president and board members who are involved in the management of the association do not have a say in the publishing policy of Dogrula.org. Dogrula’s publishing team and editor-in-chief are the sole authority and responsible for this matter.
  • In summary, while the association’s management has a say in the administrative and financial processes of Dogrula, they have no relationship with the publication processes.
8. Center
  • Dogrula.org is based in Istanbul.
9. Non-partisanship and impartiality
  • Dogrula.org undertakes not to be partisan and to take impartiality as a basis when performing fact-checking activities.
  • Dogrula.org does not support or recommend voting for any political party or candidates for public office.
  • Dogrula.org does not make any agreements or partnerships with political parties and maintains the principle of independence and impartiality in its operations. Such activities may damage the association’s reputation for independence and impartiality.
  • Dogrula.org does not focus on a particular political party or one side of the political spectrum in its analysis and verification processes. Fact checking activities are carried out in an impartial and objective manner.
  • Members and employees of Dogrula.org also adhere to the principle of neutrality and commit to not engaging in partisanship.
10. Editorial Independence
  • Dogrula.org is firmly committed to editorial independence. Independence ensures impartiality and freedom from political or financial influences in fact-checking activities.
  • Dogrula.org editors can make their decisions freely regarding analyzes and publications without being subject to any external intervention.
11. Independence from Management
  • Dogrula.org’s editors are independent from management and financial resource providers. Management or financial resource providers do not have the authority to intervene in the content production process or influence the results of the analysis.
  • While making independent decisions, Dogrula.org editors adhere to the principle of compliance with scientific and ethical standards to keep the accuracy and reliability of analyzes and contents at the highest level.
12. Conflict of Interest
  • Dogrula.org editors take care not to be influenced by any conflict of interest when making their analyses. Personal, financial or political interests should not influence the fact-checking process in a way that could undermine objectivity and impartiality.
  • Dogrula.org editors are obliged to disclose this conflict of interest and take the necessary precautions if they have any relationship with the people, institutions or events evaluated in the analysis.
13. Content Selection and Decision-Making Processes
  • Dogrula.org editors select claims and content for analysis based on criteria of impartiality and significance. Content selection is not made for political, ideological, or commercial reasons.
  • Dogrula.org  editors base the decisions during the analysis process on evidence and explain them transparently in order to objectively reflect the results of the fact-checking.
14. Corrections and Feedback
  • Dogrula.org places great importance on reader feedback and correcting errors. Editors carefully review correction requests from followers and commit to correcting errors in analyses.
  • Corrections are made in accordance with the principle of transparency and reliability. Dogrula.org publishes corrected versions quickly.